Saturday, June 24, 2006

More stock photos. From top to bottom: 1) Another pic of the Roxas kids in the water 2) Early morning market activity at Batangas pier right we left the place 3) What passes for entertainment at a Philippine ferry: Karaoke. If you could even call it that. See the guy sitting on the chair holding a mic? He was attempting to sing, giving no effort to attempt to follow the song's melody, but was loud enough so that sleep was somewhat difficult. He sucked.


Anonymous said...

hej David,

You are advertising Philippines quite good ;-) especially by putting the pics here! i already put this country into my list of countries i have to visit :-P
enjoy your time there!


David said...

Thanks man!

Just a question, though - who is this? :)

"a." Ain't saying much. .)

Anonymous said...

man man... this is agne who likes the pics ;-)

David said...

Agne!!! Sup, girl?!! (Hug!)

And you SHOULD visit :) Jacob and I have the space for a guest... or several!

Take care