Nothing much doing at work. I'm not really in the mood for studying the technical training presentation I have in front of me for SunPower's Reverse Osmosis/De-Ionization water treatment system. So I'm blogging. Jacob is working on our project structure beside me, sometimes pausing to give me that look that means we need to stick our heads together. Easy going day. We were supposed to meet with Sharon, the head of the ESH unit, later today to discuss the findings of our Significant Aspect Impact Analysis... however that has been rescheduled. SunPower needs her to survey the new production facility that is set to open in Batangas, a province south of where we live. Apparantly SunPower likes it here in the Philippines so much that they have decided to open a new plant that will increase output in terms of MW/year (compared to today) by about... oh, 400%. SunPower is becoming a big boy!
The Significant Impact Aspect Analysis, by the way, is what we have been working on here so far for SunPower. The analysis addresses clause 4.3.1 of the ISO 14001 standard which states:
4.3.1 Environmental aspects
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s)
a) to identify the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services within the defined scope of the environmental management system that it can control and those that it can influence taking into account planned or new developments, or new or modified activities, products and services, and
b) to determine those aspects that have or can have significant impact(s) on the environment (i.e. significant environmental aspects).
What does this entail? For Jacob and I, it means a shitload of excel work where we quantify material, chemical and energy data for the activities at SunPower, i.e the production process (most importantly), the facilities support activities such as wastewater treatment etc., and other support activities such as the canteen and shuttle bus service. The aim of the analysis is to rate each environmental activity according to a number of different parameters, and give it a score. Once that is done, the total scoring will enable us to identify, say, the top 5 worst activities, environmentally speaking. These will be our Significant Aspects that the company should focus on in the first cycle of its Environmental Management System.
If that was too boring or too technical, tough. It's what we're doing at SunPower. For me, damn interesting stuff. They have lots of funny little things they use in production, such as gases that explode once they come into contact with the atmosphere, and acids that cause 12-hour delayed acid burns that attack your body tissue, not the skin, and erode away the bone. Go figure, this company has a very high adverse environmental risk potential.
Right, today's cookie. Below is a DEVIL BUG!!!

Actually it's a species of rhinoceros beetle. One of the largest in the world, only the goliath beetle of Africa beats it in size. They taste good, too.
Just kidding. What the hell's the matter with you?! David out.
Yuck! That thing looks disgusting and scary but pretty harmless though. Bet it got swept away to your screen door(?!) by Milenyo's tail. Poor thing as it likes to scamper on a coconut tree. You can take it by your fingers holding from its back. Just make sure you don't put a finger for it to grip on, that's when you feel how strong it is. Doesn't bite though.Try it Dave, but make sure to let it go on a bushy place or put it on the trunk of that hand shaped palm tree in front of your house across the street (take a pic of that tree & send it to me -I like it). Seems like you do more blogging since your laptop went out of commission (your pocket too if you don't stop all that dating + your bill from ACER) - but we love reading your blog, just cut a bit on those !#?*'#! words. It's sooo -UNYOU. Now go back to work, that's what you're there for.
Nah, the pic was taken a long time before the typhoon hit. It was flying against the window screens making a ruckus. By the morning it disappeared.
I'll see if I can take a pic of the palm tree for you. Maybe with a nice sunset backdrop... I love the view from my window when the sun goes down.
Yeah, the Acer bill hurts. My dating? Girls burn away at your wallet no matter what. Law of nature, can't do much about it.
And about the cussing... yes, I keep it civil when I'm at home, but you should know when I'm with peers, my language has an edge like that. don't worry ma, you still raied me ok. I think :p
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