1) The bag wasn't waterproof. In fact, it's a Speedo bag. Speedo is very good at making things (swimsuits) that, er, get wet. Dammit!
2) Neither was my laptop. Now, the thing has been through a lot with me. Shit, it's so battle-scarred it looks like it's been through hell and back. Unfortunately, this this was more than it could take.
The end result: water damage to the LCD screen, and now I'm having it replaced, for the price of something close to 3000 DKK. Witness my head thoroughly smashed and bloody from banging it on the table at the pure stupidity of what I did.
It affects my blogging because I usually do the blogs from home. At work, I use my computer for
Let's see if I can make this blog interesting and worthwhile. How about nekked ladies? :) I'd like to tell you all about my niece, who seems to have made it big here under the name of Juliana Palermo. This is her on the front cover of FHM Philippines. I almost wish we weren't related :p

That's all, folks. ;)
Hi Dave,
That sounds like bloody expensive for a bloody screen to pay. Guess that company we brought your laptop in to is taking you for a ride.... haven't you learned yet to haggle??? Now say it this way, "Fine, need to have that screen replaced but what's your best offer?" They qoute a price, then you say fine, "I'm willing to pay PhP....."they say No, you say, I'd like my laptop back and don't you dare touch any of it.... See how they will react. Fact is Phil. negotiation is a matter of who's got the balls and stronger stomach. You say "yes" right away then they say you're tha biggest fool.... Irritating when you really mean business but as you don't speak the language they take you for a ride all the time. Pinoys in a nutshell that is. Now beat it and make that call... Mom
Hi Dave,
That sounds like bloody expensive for a bloody screen to pay. Guess that company we brought your laptop in to is taking you for a ride.... haven't you learned yet to haggle??? Now say it this way, "Fine, need to have that screen replaced but what's your best offer?" They qoute a price, then you say fine, "I'm willing to pay PhP....."they say No, you say, I'd like my laptop back and don't you dare touch any of it.... See how they will react. Fact is Phil. negotiation is a matter of who's got the balls and stronger stomach. You say "yes" right away then they say you're tha biggest fool.... Irritating when you really mean business but as you don't speak the language they take you for a ride all the time. Pinoys in a nutshell that is. Now beat it and make that call... Mom
Riiiight, ma.
I'm not deaing with your wet market fish dealer here, this is the price quoted, not from Prince Technologies (which is the Acer-licensed repair station we went to together) but from the Acer Philippines directly. And I can only communicate to them through the Prince Technologis proxy, so any haggling will be pointless.
What I did do, though, is make a warranty claim on the DVD drive replacement, which had nothing to do with the rain damage. Hopefully I can shave off 500 DKK on the price that way.
Yes Dave, and as you can see qouted by you, Prince is the official middle man for Acer, and a middle man or entity for that matter won't be in the market without getting their share. Point is, cut their share if you can. That means you play your ball, they play theirs and you play ping-pong till one losses the ball. I hope it should be them not you who losses the ball. Get what I mean? BTW, when you cut their share it doesn't mean you leave nothing to them up to 15% of the qouted price they gave you should be enough. 10% is more likely I must say.
Ma: I'm not about to start playing that game with the middle man in the interest of expeditiousness and the least amount of hassle. They have leverage, not allowing me direct communication with Acer Philippines. Also, any whining over the price should be done prior to the customer agreeing to the service being rendered - in my case, I already gave them consent to go ahead with repairs a while ago. Too late now. Half the repair time has gone by already, so there's not much I can do.
Kaare: Kaare! Dude! Let me get back to you on that question (on whether it was worth it)! It really depends on where this thing with her is going :p
About the surfing, yeah that was great fun but remember we took a month out of summer vacation to do this internship, so we had to have intensive fun in the one-month vacation we had!
Sorry to hear about the weather back home. Well, not really, haha :p I bet it's getting cold there too, right? I'll be able to go around in shorts in december, which'll be great :)
Take care!!!
Hi Dave
Guess i'll write in english. Sounds like you have fun, but don't forget about DK mentality -here i mean the whole cock-fighting thing. You definately know my point of view :-)
Well i started internship at NIRAS in Aalborg, which is interesting. other than that, My boyfriend and i, are fixing up our appartement and i focus on the semester project. See you. regards Maria Aaen
damn.. what can i say about your niece.. was just reading your blog..scrolled down to the one at the bottome with the 'wildlife' pix and that gecko scared the hell out of me man..
Thanks for dropping by again :)Yeah I know you're an animal-lover so I will definately tip-toe around the subject next time we meet.. lol
Holler back about the NIRAS thing - i'm interested in knowing what people are working with precisely. Need some inspiration for the master's thesis in case I don't decide to base it on this semester's work!
Subliminal-Transmission aka Jetaphol Somsupangsri (ha! That's right I remember your full name!),
Dude I like your blog man. You write interestingly and well.. i'll be keeping tabs on updates from now on!
Heehee, you know what's even scarier than a geckoe pic like that? I recently tried to catch one of those things (because they're so cuuuuuute) but Steve Irwin (god bless his soul) does a better job than me. You see, not only do they lose their tails as a defense mechanism if you catch them... guess what happens when you corner one with your hands on a wall incline? They relax their suction pads and fall... on your face.
That freaked me out and I have now decided to leave them alone :p
ok.. i think we can change the subject. david dude, you've always known i'm scared of geckos since year 7.
impressive with my name.. except it's somsupHangsri hehe. good try tho!
i'm glad you like my blog man. eager to see what you got lined up once you get your laptop back too. feel free to leave comments on mine..always interested to hear what you have to say..
So the best way to catch a lizard is to use a fridge? I can just picture a discovery channel animal documentary, Crocodile Hunter style. Camera zooms in on the four-legged critter, which starts off on a run. Out of nowhere a fridge is hurled at the thing, landing on top of it. Presto, lizard caught. Crikey.
Silliness aside, I'll definately leave a comment or two on your blog, Jet. Btw, why is The Philippine Chronicles listed in the High Frequency range? I demand at least Ultra High! :p
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