Tuesday, July 11, 2006

OMG OMG OMG surfing is so damn fun I could pee in my pants and I’m really good at it and I was riding waves after like my fourth wave and Jay isn’t so good at it and had been surfing a day more than I had before I decided to try and still wasn’t standing up on the board and I kick ass and he sucks and I can stand relatively easily on a board except my elbow is now fucked up and no more surfing for me so that isn’t so cool but this place called San Juan north of San Fernando is real cool with the chillest beginner waves and the local surfer dudes and dudettes are awesome with names like Lemon and Angel and I’m a regular at Angel and Marie’s place which serves the best Oreo cookie milkshake and Lemon took us out to meet his foster father Uffe who is Danish and used to be the UNICEF director of Europe but has now retired to the Philippines on his UN pension and has a sweet set-up now where he is head of what originally started as an orphanage of sorts and looked after Lemon and like thirty-six other orphaned kids so the guy has a real big heart and the household is huge and Ma they are opening a new surf resort in January so you should definitely check it out and talk to him for your travel agency plans and well I’m going to keep enjoying this place until I leave alone on Thursday leaving Jay behind here to swallow some more saltwater while I trek down to see my family in Davao in the south so that should be cool but I don’t know what to do about the six hickeys on my neck because the place we’re staying has a go-go bar and putting that many band-aids on would definitely look ridiculous so while I mull about that I’m going to leave you guys with some chill photos and then I’m off to enjoy more sun and fun WEEEEEEE…!!!

Here are the pics. First up, you guys need to see what they use for public transport around here besides the tricycles I showed you earlier. These are jeepneys:

The view from our resort, and since I did some pics on the fauna here, here are some flora pics as well:

Heeheehee, and this is Jay doing a sweet wipeout:

Finally, me looking (insert adjective here) in a wetsuit, and in the water:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej David, I'm deeply impressed by the surfing - but aren't you cheating a bit, lying on the board instead of standing up? And where are the pix of the beautiful surferettes??
Dad Chris